Dodo's Secret Friend, Mykayla
In a small village, a young boy named Dodo begins a life changing friendship with a mosquito named Mykayla. Dodo accidentally reveals their secret friendship to his mom, Mama Dodo, setting off a malaria discovery journey into the opposing worlds of mosquitoes and humans. At the request of Papa Dodo, Dodo invites Mykayla home for dinner. Is the dinner a trap? Will Dodo lose his friendship with Mykayla or will their friendship secure a page in history books? The debut novel by Nana Banafo.
Miguel Eusébio: The Resurrector
In a world where dreams are the secret ingredient to life...Meet João and Miguel, a retired mechanic and his spirited grandson. Together, they’ve built an unbreakable bond with their community. But when a mosquito-borne disease threatens their close-knit community, João and Miguel rally to find new solutions to tackle mosquito-borne diseases and help everyone around them. Join João and Miguel on a whimsical adventure, healing their community with dreams and compassion.